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Training and Development

Leadership Development and Coaching

This is a great place to tell your story and give people more insight into who you are, what you do, and why it’s all about you.

Young Businesswomen

This is a great place to tell your story and give people more insight into who you are, what you do, and why it’s all about you.

Customized Sexual Misconduct Training
Public Speaker

This is a great place to tell your story and give people more insight into who you are, what you do, and why it’s all about you.

Performance Management Training and Coaching
Young Business Woman

Signature Presentations

Quality Training and Development practices can yield a high return. From employees who are more engaged, more productive, more loyal, and more well-informed in the decisions they make; effective training benefits both the employee and employer. 


At Courageously She, we believe the approach to training and developing individuals and teams, is just as important as the content to be trained on. We communicate with managers and supervisors, conduct employee surveys, and observe on-the-job performance in order to adequately assess the organizational, departmental, operational, and individual needs of the clients we serve.


We utilize a variety of methods to include, case studies, focus groups,  role-playing, presentations, simulation, 1-on-1's,  and more. 

design specific training content to aid in the  ensure that e serve, determine which skills and knowledge need to be learned and then decide on the most appropriate training method for imparting these specific skills, abilities, and knowledge. 

Our trainers are adept at planning, presentation delivery, information gathering and analysis, coaching, adaptability, and creativity 


In their 2013 study, “State of the Global Workplace: Employee Engagement Insights for Business Leaders Worldwide,” Gallup found engaged employees to be 21 percent more productive than their non-engaged counterparts. 


  • Better motivated to improve themselves through company offered training

  • Employees who are more satisfied in their roles perform better

  • Have a greater appreciation and positive regard for their company’s professional development opportunities


Courageously She brings more than 25 years experience in Executive Leadership with a focus on Employee Training, Development and Coaching, Culture Change Management, Performance Management, and Facilitation.

Courageously She helps women develop as leaders  so they can more effectively lead those they manage. Want to exercise your courage muscle? Visit

"Exercising Your Courage Muscle"

What is required for you to develop your  "Courage Capacity"?  Discover how to align your belief system with your actions and watch your " Courage Barometer Rise".  You will experience the opportunity to learn and apply practical strategies that help you make courage decisions which are consistent and based in principle.

"Cultivating Courageous Connections and Conversations"

How do you cultivate the kinds of relationships that allow you connect with people at every level of your organization?   You will explore how to cultivate the kinds of relationships across every level of your organization and examine the daily, weekly, and monthly practices required for you to develop meaningful relationships that lead to every person on your staff feeling valued and connected.

"Courageous Conversations for Effective Leadership"

Explore the essential skills needed to have data-based conversation with staff in ways that provide meaningful support for professional and personal growth. Examine resources and tools that will equip you with the tools to effectively use the "language of coaching" to engage in courageous conversations with specific feedback for enhancement or improvement

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Courageously She helps women develop as leaders  so they can more effectively lead those they manage. Want to become a more effective leader? Visit
Courageously She helps women develop as leaders  so they can more effectively lead those they manage. Want to cultivate courageous conversations? Visit
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