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About Our Visionary

Tamara Springs - Courageously She Founder and CEO
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Tamara E. Springs is a native of Wichita, KS and currently resides near Atlanta, GA. Since 2023, Tamara has served as a training manager for the largest reentry organization in the USA - Center for Employment Opportunities (CEO). Day-to-day, she helps people cultivate their innate leadership skills and develop the courage to seek gainful employment after successfully completing the Emerging  Leaders Program (ELP) internship experience. In addition to Tamara's expertise in Leadership Development, she also viewed as a credible messenger for criminal justice reform and reentry services.  Prior to her current role, she worked for Gideon’s Promise; a national nonprofit based in Atlanta, GA, where she served as program director and Interim Chief Operating Officer (COO).


Tamara  has more than 30 years of  leadership training and development and experience and has held a  number of leadership positions. Since 1992, she has served as a classroom teacher, principal, assistant superintendent, executive director, adjunct professor, and leadership development consultant  She has a passion for serving others and believes that the skills required to lead courageously must be developed and honed for optimal effectiveness.


As a member of the " APS 12";  a group of Atlanta Public Schools Educators indicted and criminally charged with R.I.C.O,  Tamara endured two trials lasting nearly 11 months.  In the first trial, Tamara was acquitted, however in the second trial Tamara was convicted of R.I.C.O charges because three teachers in her region changed answers on a state test.   This grave miscarriage of justice was highlighted in the documentary "One Child Left Behind" by award winning producer and director Jodi Gomes. The irony of the charges is that she had never been in close proximity to a test and never received a penny of  “bonus money” during her tenure with APS.

Most shockingly, every  principal  under her supervision was cleared of any wrongdoing, including the principal of the school where three teachers changed answers.  Yet and still, Tamara served  16 months, in primarily maximum security prisons for a crime she never committed.  She ultimately found peace in helping other incarcerated women prepare to return home in the Lee Arrendale State Prison reentry program.  That experience helped to shape Tamara's work as a  training manger with the " Emerging Leaders Program"

Tamara obtained her B.S. in Elementary Education, (Summa Cum Laude) from Langston University and both her M. Ed. in Educational Administration and her District Level Leadership Certification from Wichita State University.

Tamara's has a heart for service and has provided extensive community service through her sorority; Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Rotary International, Jack and Jill of America, Wichita Alliance of Black School Educators (WABSE), Kansas Alliance of Black School Educators (KABSE), and several youth organizations and through her church affiliations.

A continuous learner, Tamara enjoys reading, traveling, trying new and flavorful cuisines, riding horses, long walks on the beach, fishing and spending time with her family. Tamara is married to her best friend, Alex R.Springs and together they share four adult children.  Tamara is also the proud “Grand-Tam” to four  grandchildren: Mason, Juelle, Chesney, and Alexandria ( AJ).

Come to the edge," he said.
"We can't, we're afraid!" they responded.
"Come to the edge," he said.
"We can't, We will fall!" they responded.
"Come to the edge," he said.
And so they came. And he pushed them. And they flew.”


Awards and Recognition

  • Just Leadership USA 10th Annual "Leading With Conviction" 2024 Cohort Leader

  • Leadership Wichita Class of 2000

  • Leadership Kansas Class of 2003

  • Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. - Twyla J McFall Young Eagle Leadership and Service  Award --Wichita, KS

  • Power 100 Women Who Mean Business  -- Wichita, KS

  • Unity Awards Woman of the Year -- Atlanta GA

  • Stellar Performance Award --Atlanta, GA

  • Youth Enhancement Services  Outstanding Service Award --Atlanta GA

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Specialized skills and certification

  • Harvard University Superintendent’s Leadership Academy -- Cambridge, MA

  • Certified Gallup Trainer for Perceiver Assessments -- Wichita, KS

  • Certified Diversity Trainer -- Wichita, KS

  • Certified Leadership Train the Trainer -- Wichita, KS

  • Instructional Coaching Training -- Atlanta, GA

  • Change Management Training -- Atlanta, GA

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Another Primed and Polished project

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