Developing women who lead courageously and confidently!
Who We Are
We are women who have held executive leadership positions for nearly two decades. As beneficiaries of executive coaching, we successfully honed our abilities to engage in courageous conversations with the teams of staff that we were accountable to and for.
We are experienced, practical, supportive, transparent and, most importantly, we are courageous! Be it one-on-one or in a group setting, our goal is to help you grow and develop as a leader who can sit in the middle of the leadership "fire" and not get burned.
We use our collective experiences as "Courageously She" to help you become " Courageously You".
What We Believe
We believe that effective leadership is a verb, not a noun, and we are committed to helping leaders develop the skills to lead effectively through courageous conversations. In essence, we help leaders "Walk the Talk" of courageous leadership. We believe that many challenges women leaders face can be successfully addressed when they lead from the premise of honest and transparent conversations, rooted in specific feedback that coaches employees to optimum performance.
We know that courageous conversations aide employees in continually improving when they receive performance feedback designed to ensure that their daily work habits align with the mission of the company or organization. We also believe that the skills required for courageous leadership can be developed with dedicated coaching and exposure to deliberate practice.
How We Work
Whether in a one-on-one, small group or a large group setting, we are committed to helping our clients develop the capacity for courageous leadership. From virtual coaching to on-site training for individuals or small groups, we primarily serve women in a variety of leadership positions.
We begin with a brief intake assessment to better understand who you lead, how you lead, and how best to serve you. With the information gathered, we devise a proposed plan of action that is customized to meet your immediate, short-term and/or long-term goals and then we do what we do BEST, begin with a Courageous Conversation with YOU so that you know exactly what is required to develop your capacity to lead courageously.