Developing women who lead courageously and confidently!
"Courageously She" provides consulting, coaching, and leadership development for women serving in various leadership roles. Our targeted strategies and support, enable women to develop the capacity , conviction, and command needed to engage in courageous conversations with the people they lead.
We realize that in many professional environments, demonstrating courageous leadership is not nearly as easy, as exhibiting fear and practicing avoidance. Whether initiating a difficult discussion,
courageous leaders, expand their comfort zone, recognize and appropriately address overt and hidden biases, build or strengthen their strategic network and learn how to facliltate individual and organizational growth via courageous conversations.
Courageously She delivers customized sessions that address your specific needs or you can select from one of our Signature Sessions . They also provide speakers for conferences, retreats, and virtual workshops. Please review our Event Calendar below for additional information. If you desire to uplevel your leadership and lead more courageously but need more direction on how or where to start, contact us today!

maintaining assertiveness, leveraging leadership in a competitive environment, trusting your ability to make sound decisions, or communicating with confidence; leading courageously can be uncomfortable. In order to engage at this level consistently, it is essential for women to develop themselves if they desire to effectively develop others.
Courageusly She offers a vareity of capacity building and professional development opportunities designed to help women adopt a mindset that leverages their strengths as

"Courage is more exhilarating than fear and in the long run it is easier. We do not have to become heroes overnight. Just a step at a time, meeting each thing that comes up, seeing it is not as dreadful as it appeared, discovering we have the strength to stare it down."
— Eleanor Roosevelt
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Courageously Quoted...
"Tamara has been one of the most valuable mentors in my career and my life. She has prodigious character, keen insight and vast leadership experience that qualifies her to speak truth to power and set leadership direction. Her mentorship has enabled me to be a strong leader for others as well as myself."
Dama A. Riles, Ed. D.
Damita Li Enterprises, LLC.
“Courage is the deliberate act of charting a new course knowing the followers will be few or you have to go it alone.”
By hanging on to your truth and not selling yourself out for earthly freedom, you demonstrated a COURAGE that most will never possess. I am proud of you. Thanks for being a powerful leader in my life. Thanks for being a role model to those who are faced with life threatening situations and feel they must sell themselves out for a momentary gain that will ultimately cost them their life. "
Melody Michaux
"Tamara is a courageous, passionate, and innovative leader who is always in pursuit of excellence. She knows how to have difficult conversations and confront challenges with humanity and without compromising her values."
Robin Hall Ed.D.
"Tamara is a natural and courageous leader who is respected for both her knowledge and her ability to inspire others to follow her leadership. Before making major decisions, Tamara gathers all the needed information using both research knowledge and by talking with the people affected by the decision.
Tamara serves as a role model and mentor for the people who work with her at all levels of the organization."
Sheril Logan, Chairwoman